Free demonstrations/training

Appropriate for all Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists working in community rehabilitation. Training provided by specialist representatives from rehabilitation equipment companies from our studio in Cranleigh. Contact for details

workshops for Band 5-6 Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists working in Neuro-rehabilitation.

Appropriate for therapists working in acute, rehabilitation and community settings with a keen interest in developing their skills further. We will explore the evidence base for key topics with a practical component to each workshop. £25 per workshop or £100 for all 5. Contact for an application form

  • Self-Management in Neuro-rehabilitation

  • Balance and Gait Rehabilitation

  • Upper Limb Rehabilitation

  • Spasticity and Postural Management

  • Exercise prescription in Neurology

Bridges - An introduction to supporting self-management in rehabilitation

To enable a multi-disciplinary team to build and sustain a shared approach to supporting self-management in patients and families in acute and community neurological rehabilitation settings. A 2-day workshop in our studio in Cranleigh. Costs £225 and includes provision of 5 workbooks on stroke self-management, traumatic brain injury and long-term conditions. Contact for an application form or see